Saturday, November 21, 2009
7:58 AM

omfg , hello all . nie nana .
blog dead eyh ? tsk , sorry . busy with our own blog lah .
how all our life ; good ! HAHA , no actually .
complicated with love and stuff . you know , the normal .
time check ; 1202AM . still awake . not asleep at all .
so is melda . stil wide awake , HAHA .
okaye , idk what else to post . we love all of you . (L)
take care ;

Saturday, November 7, 2009
8:56 PM

Kiko suaaaaa smpai deyh ! xD
Aha , let's see , did anyone update this gang blog ? HAHAHAH .
Gang sey , chey wah .
Kiko over here just to update since no one update kan .
One by one busy , hehehe . I understand .
To my fellow readers , do come to kiko blog aye ? I love you all sygs .

Friday, November 6, 2009
7:04 PM

HUMANS ! Nana have a new blog , my own not share but I will still be updating this blog .
So no worries , nie nana nyerh blog yerh ~

Kiko is my new name yerh ~ (:
Take care , i love you all . (L)

Thursday, November 5, 2009
8:31 AM

Hello humans .
yana here , AGAIN .
Kaq melda onlyne-d then offlyne-d after talking with me .
I get too sensitive , I'm sorry .
I was like mynah gylerh babi towards kaq melda , sorry syg .
Right now talking to kaq mary . Hehehe , I make her LOL .
Chill kaq yerh ~ & yana will miss you . I really will .
Come back safe aye ? Will be waiting . Kaq mary going off this saturday and come back on the 16th which is .. erhm look up the calendar yourself orite ?
I love kaq mary , I do .
Don't steal her lah idiots . I will kill you for sure .
Infact , kaq mary is myne always since the very start xD
I will miss you sister .
Currently talking to kaq mary and dany .
& I'm like sleeping soon tapi aqu mau bobual ngn kaq mary lah .
Later she go I got no chance .
*Sobs sey .
Okaye , time check ; 0156AM .
Haish . Mak oiiie , dh mlm .
Hahahah . Dany dh tdo , eyh , he is still suweet like he is last tyme . (:
Hehehe . xD
He call me ' sayang ' , cair siol .
Whatever , yeahyeah , I miss aqilah so much .
That lil kateq aqu punyerh xD
Time check ; 0306AM and I'm still awake chatting with my baobei , kaq mary . ^^
Post more later , yana mau tido for a while , will wake up later .
xoxo ,
bayb yana xD

5:01 AM

Hello sygs !
See them up there ?
Bby , don't touch them because they're myne yeah ?
I love them deep down my heart , I really do .
I miss kaq emma so much . Miss her voice , veh cute you know .
Miss talking to her . I'm not being sombong at Msn uh , just that I'm afraid to talk to you .
Don't ask why kaq . xDD
Kaq melda , where are you ? Why not onlyne yet you bubit !
Kaq emma onlyne fast lh , if you can .
Okaye . Here's the story why I didn't onlyne yesterday .
I went out with mama when I balek tros kene pulled by my dad and kene rembat abes abesan .
I was like wtf ? He say , ' Kau asl narq isap uh ? Kau narq jadi mcm abg kau eyh ?! Sejak bylerh kau isap rokok nie ! Kau narq jadi betinerh sial eyh ?! '
I went speechless , real speechless .
He say he say my box of rokok and like that lh .
My body pain lyke hell ! Seriously .
Gosh , I regret . Mama was defending me but too bad , dad was strong .
So yeah . I hate my dad , alot .
He made me pissed too . My brother is really special in my eyes .
He mayb a bad guy but in my eyes he's not . I love him more than I love myself .
To those who want to be hateful towards my abg , say it at tagboard okaye ?
I just hate my dad , fucking alot .
Pfft , asshole .
Wargh . I swear , she onlyne soon I talk asap (:
I seriously have no idea where's kaq melda .
Kaq mary's onlyne but she's away .
She is always xD
And thnks abg danni and kakaqs for tagging at the tagboard .
You know what humans ? I feel like screaming and crying .
No smile , they are just my make-up .
I didn't go to school for idk how many days , sorry darlas for not coming .
I miss you guys too . I really do .
I will update as much post I can . ;)
See lh yerh ~ Heheh .
I miss abg danni , aiya , easy to say I miss everyone that I love .
Abg danni went overseas doe holiday and I regret waking up late .
I didn't get to reply his msg asap before he masok malaysia .
Gahhh , I miss you .
Talked to kaq nani for awhile butbutbut will get back to her soon after I finish with updates .
I will end here as I still have loads of post to blog/update .
Till here ;
xoxo ,
bayb yana xD
PS ; my new nickname , yana (:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
1:55 PM

Eyh hello sygs .
Hahahah , time check ; 5.58AM !
OMFG . I'm not asleep yet sey .
Haish , kaq melda da tido , abg apis da tido , kaq emma erhm mayb ?
Naim is going off to school soon .
Woah . Never stayed up this late before siol , this is like the latest .
Gylerh kankankan ? All my loves dh offlyne aqu plak yg mendaq , naseb baek aderh kwn baru .
Mimin is her name , very jambu I swear . Megan Fox pon kalah ! xDDDD
Hahahahaha and she's the gothic kind of person which I like , cool kan ?
I seriously got nothing to do , I swear .
And today I watched Michael Jackson This Is It movie with mama .
After that picked bbyboo up from school then off to Mac to eat and straight home .
I hate dad so I ignored but before that I salam and all and headed for my room .
Mama and bbyboo was kecoh btol because of bbyboo's dancing question .
Wtf lh eyh .
Pfft , alot of story happened but aqu malas mau update .
Dh so called ngantok nieeee . Okate uh smuerh , tc yerh ! ~
nana syg smuerh !
xoxo ,
bayb nana xDDD

3:24 AM

Elloh sumerr!
EmeldaSachek here!
aku boring uh! blog sendiri dah update, so i update blog ni uh..(:
But, short post jek eyh..(:

Abg Danni! Why are you soooo cute!?Hehehe...
Hehehe, but Ash is cuter(: hehe, to me lerr... if you all, idk-.-
I miss him sioll! Dah 1 hari suntok tak talk...
Thanks Apis for the so called advise(:
Hahaha...Nak tau aper Apis ckp? JalannnDahhh!hehehe...
Ne Ni Ne Pu Pu...!
mendaq gyler siolll!
Webcaming with Ayie tadi...(: Hello New frenn(:
I want Ashley♥

I love you all!

Monday, November 2, 2009
11:08 AM

Wah , act big fuck uh J ? Hahaha . It's good that I didn't put your full name okaye kid .
You not happy come tell me . Don't threaten my girls and my peers because they are not your dolls .
You're a butch and still want to talk big , please lh J . Show temper at my girls and peers ?
Does it work ? Yes , for them but not me . Try me one day I bet you mati .
Call your gans come down find my girls and me ? Come lh come , see who find who .
You and your gans same lh J , all big fuck . Want to talk world , pfft , 2009 human !
I don't care if you see this post right now and go running to your teacher complaining .
I get used to this childish stuff . If you want to settle this right J , you want an apology from us I don't think you even deserve it . This is a case of ear in and ear out , childish .
Every tyme I want to find you and talk things out in a good way , you're MIA .
Somehow I find that you're such a coward , a big one .
There's not a need for you to threaten and find faults with my girls and peers because they got nothing to do with your lyfe , okaye ?
You might have , I say MIGHT HAVE , loads of powers or people backup-ing you but you guys are such a coward in the inside .
All this is so last year , cowards . Once again , this is 2009 !
Don't be like one of those fanatics people out there . Infact you are going to be one soon . xD
If you're acting like one big fuck , you don't know how crazy I can be yet .
I'm warning you right now to step back from my girls and peers . If you step on my head when I didn't step on your's , don't come running to me like as if I never warned you that I will be fucking mad .
I smoke and all which I believe you know . But at least I don't threaten my own peers or girls .
I don't make their day moody or something , I still cherish and treasure them like my own .
Unlike you , going around finding fault and make your peers cry in a corner and act big fuck trying to be a teacher's pet .
And ohmy . I heard , not eavesdrop like you , trying to attract V's ex boyf .
Goodness me girl , what's with you ? Act big fuck already and now trying to be attention seeker ?
Mannn . You're weird , J , you are .
Don't think we will look up at you if you call your gans come find us because we don't give a damn about that .
Altho my girls , peers and me are in the lowest class , you can step us like a doormat .
We ain't your slave J . Big deal , orite ? We can still shine like others .
You're not even shining at all , you're shining , for being the big mouth girl in school .
After reading this my dear readers , you should know who is this coward is [ for my school friends only ] .
I don't find you bigger in size than me J . You're still smaller and shorter , which is a good advantage for me .
Don't think I'm being quiet because I'm being coward like you , I can speak up for my loves .
I've been hearing this for quite some times but yet , I gave you lee way .
Right now , you're going over the limits . J , know your limits .
Oh ! Don't tell me to know my limits because I do know myne .
Take care of your lyfe before you care about others okaye . We don't live in this world to please you J .
And neither you're living in this world to threaten and finding faults with people who are darn innocent in your lyfe .
If this case continue going on , I swear , prepare for the worst J . Prepare , I warned you already .
Change your attitude before you ask my loves to do so , get a lyfe .
We hate you , alot . Coward .

5:06 AM

Hello smuerh !
Sorry eyh , but nana have this habit of uploading a picture when blogging . ^^
But geyrek pehh . Cool lah gitu xD .
Talking to one of my malay senior , Natasha Zack .
Gosh , she's one real clever geek . I swear bby .
She talk non-stop , ZOMFG yes .
But I like . Hahahah , people who are darn kecoh like her .
Kecoh rabaq peh bdk ! (:
Talk to kaq melda and naim , as usual joined convo .
Then talk to abg apis , about how he get to poly and all .
Beyh , blog !
Before that , I tido mcm babi sial .
Naseb uh mama bawak house key if not she and bbyboo stay out there smpai mlm !
Hahahah .
Din is talking to me , -.- . My x TTM .
HAHAH , TTM pon ader x siol .
Whatever lh yerh ~
This is our convo .
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Ahhh , amcm kau ngn Fasha ?
Tarq go steady peh ?
[/c] Ðԑԑјᴀұ Tңʀȏӥԑ ™ [/c]®Euro 4 Ever©™[/c]ŠoundV!bẽz ™Ώ[/c] says:
Relakk . Tak . Not my stead .
i tau u marah kat i .
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Pape lah Din . I trust you so much and this is what I get .
Whatever .
[/c] Ðԑԑјᴀұ Tңʀȏӥԑ ™ [/c]®Euro 4 Ever©™[/c]ŠoundV!bẽz ™Ώ[/c] says:
Abehh u cakap kalau i nk ada mataer bolehh .
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Hahahah , pape lah .
[/c] Ðԑԑјᴀұ Tңʀȏӥԑ ™ [/c]®Euro 4 Ever©™[/c]ŠoundV!bẽz ™Ώ[/c] says:
Sorry larrr .
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Whatever , really .
[/c] Ðԑԑјᴀұ Tңʀȏӥԑ ™ [/c]®Euro 4 Ever©™[/c]ŠoundV!bẽz ™Ώ[/c] says:
Then u always say that im only ur ttm .
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Dh dh , shhh . Malas narq bobual pasal nie .
[/c] Ðԑԑјᴀұ Tңʀȏӥԑ ™ [/c]®Euro 4 Ever©™[/c]ŠoundV!bẽz ™Ώ[/c] says:
Haizz tkpe larr .
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Stay as friends suaaa ~ I don't want to be heartbroken lagi (:
[/c] Ðԑԑјᴀұ Tңʀȏӥԑ ™ [/c]®Euro 4 Ever©™[/c]ŠoundV!bẽz ™Ώ[/c] says:
Ok larr up too u larr . I just wanna remind u that i still love u no matter wat .
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Yeahyeah , sukerh ati kau lah .

Malas narq bobual bnyk , will make me mad jekkkkk !
Sorry uh Din . Kau syg aqu ker tarq , sukerh ati kau uh .
To me , we're just friends .
Yes , you heard me ! F R I E N D S !
Aqu tarq narq ati aqu saket lagi you see .
So jyeah , cool dooohhhhkkkk ~
Talking to my baobei Pang Zi , and aqilah hamichi ker hamchi offlyne not telling me !
Fuyoh , amcm tuuu ?!
And I'm still talking to that kecoh woman .
Hahah .
I keep coughing sey , non-stop .
Because I smoke I guess .
Pfft , mama was like scolding me already .
Yeahyeahyeah , nags .
I can't take it .
-.- , like who can ?
Kalah tarzan siakkkk !~
Mcm tarzan ahhh , boleyh lh tuu .
I fucking hate my bbyboo , for today only .
She make me get scolding , wtf .
Don't need to know why because I lazy to answer your questions .
Shahirah is pissing me off .
Whatever lh eyh . If we like Mr Chew or not , fucking don't offend you .
We like , our problem , we don't need your concern or comments or whatsoever .
You talk to me like we freaking offend you . He's not your's lah , girl .
I'm talking to Natasha in Padang way .
Cool or whut sial ! xDDD
Hahhaah , here's our convo .
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Kamu ngak capek ya ? Udah mlm sih .
I'm written with a pen, sealed with a kiss says:
Gak deh, qm blm ngantuk? Haha ak lg kangen nih sama teman
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Teman mana sih ? Kangen ya ? Wahduh , sapa deyh ?
I'm written with a pen, sealed with a kiss says:
Haha mau tau ya? Duh, gi mana sih. Eh, gpp lah, nanti kamu bilang aja sama orang lain
Trus mati ak
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Ngak lah sih . Aku tk blang sama mereka deyh . Blang aja , aku mau tau sih !
Kangen sama laki ya ?
I'm written with a pen, sealed with a kiss says:
Haha hmm, maksud qm cowok?

bayb nana♥ ; says:
Ya , cowok !
I'm written with a pen, sealed with a kiss says:
ak bilang tpi jangan bilang ke sesiapa ya
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Mulot aku tutop deyh .
I'm written with a pen, sealed with a kiss says:
klo qm bilang, nanti aja ak lakuin sama qm apaan
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Hahahah , ya sih . Blang , cpt !
I'm written with a pen, sealed with a kiss says:
dia teman ak aja, hmm tapi hari isnin, dia kok kata sama ak yang dia suka ama aku..trus aku jadi takut
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Kok gitu . Kamu takot apa hal sih ? Teman kamu itu suka kamu saja deyh , kamu harus tenang . Ngak bisa panik !
I'm written with a pen, sealed with a kiss says:
Bukan, masalahnya sekarang dia itu selalu ke PL, trus ak takut aja klo aku terjumpa ama dia
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Sapa sih teman kamu ? Umor teman kamu itu brapa ? Kalau kamu jumpa sama dia , ngak bisa panik karena dia juga ikot panik deyh . Harus tenang , ngak bisa takot . Kamu sepatotnya gembira sih !
I'm written with a pen, sealed with a kiss says:
Dia cowok dari badminton, umur ak..hmm iya tapi, aku mau jadi teman aja. Haha pelatihnya jg gak benar dia sama cewek
Dia selalu ke sekolah kamu
hmm ya
bayb nana♥ ; says:
Sekolah aku ya ? Sapa sih ? Usah blang aku lah . Nanti aku yg gembira . Umor kamu ya ? Mmmm , ngak tau sih . Kamu sama teman kamu jadi kawan saja . Tk pusing kamu nanti .

Amcm ?
Hahaha , okaye lah sygs .
Nana narq tido uh .
Ngantok babi altho I slept .
xoxo ,
bayb nana xD

12:30 AM

Bayb nana back yaw ~
Asyik aqu jek eyh ? Weyh , sukerh ati aqu lh deyh .
Hehehe , nmpk mamat sachok tu ?
Yes bby . Abg Danni , my abg angkat .
He's my abg angkat jek but I treat him as my real blood brother .
Amcm ? Cair tarq sygs ? Heehhh , I tros cair when he shared me this picture pat MSN .
Like who won't cair kankankan ?
By the way , he's kaq nani's property . Don't you even dare to sentoh him ! xD
Step phm jek aqu eyh . Wahkakakak .
To Abg Danni ;
Stay sachok always lh yerh ~
You're always and forever my abg no matter what !
& machey yerh for making your song stuck on my head which I love it .
Take care yerh abg kush , i love you vehvehvehvehveh much ~

xoxo ,
bayb nana

Sunday, November 1, 2009
10:27 PM

Hello sygs !
Mmm , wondering whose that up there ?
Jyeah ! Mr Chew bby , one of those IT people in my school .
Hahaha . He went off already , T.T . Mannn , I didn't say the last goodbye to him .
MR ELSON CHEW , I MISS YOU ! Eyheyh , dier da aderh matae siol ~
Hahahah . Mataer dier is one of the chinese teacher there .
Mamat nie sachok banget deyh , eyh , humans , this is PICTURE .
Klau real lyfe , mak oiie , cair .
Tinggi lampai dok . Ish , narq bobual , kene suroh dier dudok . (:
Haish . How I wish I have his number , eyh NO ! Mampos , nanti makwerh dier jealous .
Bukan nyerh cantek mynah tu , pendeq jekkkkkkk .
Hehehe . Siol sey nana nie !
Hope Mr Chew comes back , I hope .
Hmmmmmm . Now , OH YEAH !
Besties , I want to go out with you guys .
Pfft . My mum over here tarq kasi , wtf .
Haiyo , mama , so what if my besties bring along her boyf ? BIG DEAL mother !
It's not lyke I never went out with guys right ?! Ohmygosh .
Abg Fariz , I really have nothing to say to you .
Because I have ran out of words , I seriously do .
Conferm besties aqu ngn twin tngh having fun pat DG . Don't know , act like you know aye ?
Heheheh .
Okaye , school .
Gosh . I mean WOAH ! Got this hawt guy lah sey .
Cinerh lah , so hawthawt ! (:
He's one of the coach pat that workshop .
I don't know he's name uh . Sad siol ~ But dier mcm step proud gitu uh .
But , what I care ? Right ? Heheheh . My class coach was Justin .
Hahahaha .
Very humble , patience , nice , cute [ when he blush only ! ] , weird .
And man , he is shawty ! Which is darn cute for a 20 year old guy .
I thot 17 siol , but checkcheck 20 . Pfft , lepas naseb aqu , JOKING !
Then Besties was being choatic which is what they are and what I am too .
Well , not chaotic I should say , FANATIC !
Gracia was the worst , thnks babe for making my eardrum burst . ^^
Thenthen , we played this whatever game . Which i find it cute .
Erhm , not cute uh . Childish (:
Beyh it was like from 0800 to 1230 ! Tarq mampos tuuuuu ?!
But fun jgk uh , at least tarq tngk mukerh teacher aqu yg religious mampos tu .
Then back to class . Do some survey and home .
Not home straight . Wanted to ask someone who is not underage buy for me cigar .
I asked this mamat india , he takot . =.=||| !
Whatever lh . [ chey ! whatever konon , checkcheck kesah mampos . ]
Okaye , mendaq . And I'm dying to smoke .
Pfft , baobeis [ you know who you are eyh ! ] , I try to stop smoking ayee loves ?
Try my best uh . Or maybe I cut down only . Don't smoke too much but still smoke .
(: , can ? Jyeah . Haish , mendaq .
Talking to one of my baobei [ Aqilah syg ] , talk crap .
Heheheh . Ntah eyh , crap ker tarq , aperh korang kesah ?
& that indian coward man , I HATE YOU LAH INDI !
Yg kene trouble pon aqu , klau kau tarq takot tadi , aqu dh isap bnyk batang sial .
Siak uh . Nvm , indi all coward . [ No offence to other indian peoples ]
Eyh you know , my dad kankankan , got this junior tau .
Namerh dier Iskandar , I call him Is jek .
He understand me well siol ~ Geyrek peh mat .
Hahahah , sweet , klakar , understanding , humble and all lh .
But 22 uh sygs .
Heeh , but I got no intention to be with him .
Puit uh eyh . Is not I tarq sukerh dier , I sukerh gylerh .
But you see . Our age , too far bby .
Ohmy , Besties blom balek ! WARGH !
They will come home like around 5 plus ?
Time check ; 3.47pm .
Ohmymother lh siol . Maseh lamerh ~ -.-
Nvm uh , I respect my mama right ? So jyeah , her decision is the best for me .
Erhm . For some uh . xD !
Kaq Mary saket ! Wahdooohhhhh , mcm manerh mau jumperh ?
Nvm lh . She sick so jgn bother suuaaa ~ Mary AJ is aka Lilo , Didi's favourite girl .
I don't have any idea of who is Didi eyh . Not her guy for sure .
xDDDDDDD , now baru belambak org onlyne , not Besties uh .
T.T ! Besties , come home fast lehhhhh .
Talking to some lame asses .
Kaq melda and aqilah is obviously not one of the lame asses yerh ! ~
Haiyooo , kaq melda peh TTM buat hal uh dook . Mamat nie ~
Makk oiie , mat , lu dh umor braperh mau majok ?!
Mampos sial ~ Haahah , no offence eyh !
Aik , mamat nie offlyne plak . Aqu dh bobual panjang lebar beyh tarq bobual .
Leceyh uh . Majok uh tu .
Nana nmpk gmbr abg danni , cair dok ~
Later I post ayee bbyloves ?
Okaye lh .
End every single thing here orite ? xD
xoxo ,
bayb nana (:

1:15 AM

Hey bbyloves .
This post goes to my kakaq nani tu . (:
Kaq , be strong syg .
Don't go over sweet talks aye ?
Better guys waiting for you dear . No worries orite ?
He's not the lelaky terakhir di bumi nie .
Tarq mu cair when that STMF talk yerh .
We go thru this darn war together as one okaye .
2 VS 1 kaq oiie , we will win .
So what if he's a guy ? Big deal love , big deal .
Like you say , bnyk lagi kumbang menunggu .
So yeah bby ! Think about the future and move on .
Never look back to the past . Let the past be the past .
Bygones should never be remembered because it will only make you cry love .
Remember my words orite and you will be safe ! Hahaha !
I'm here for you no matter what sis . Smile bby smile ! ^^
xoxo ,
bayb nana (:

♥bayb kiko

13 ; Single ; Smoker ; Student .

Idop mesti mau brani , ati mesti mau degil .
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♥emelda sachek

15 ; Attached ; Degil Girl ; Student .

Ader pegy , ader balek .
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♥emma valentina

15 ; Attached ; Party Girl ; Student .

Hidop mesti mao rilek (: .
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Emma Valentina♥♥♥
Emelda Sachek♥♥♥
Bayb Kiko♥♥♥
Mary AJ♥♥♥
Lydia Izzati♥♥
Hui Jie♥♥
Kaq Nani♥♥
Athirah Siow Ai♥
Valerie Neo♥
Wen Qi♥
Megat Danial♥

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