Saturday, October 31, 2009
11:08 PM

Hey sygs .
Smuerh da blissfully attached , tinggal nana jek .
To those who mau ketawerh , ketawerh pat tagboard yerh ~
Kaq emma attached to Danial , kaq melda attached to ashley aka ashraf .
Abg fariz is attached to somewhat a human girl which I don't know .
Disasters coming to me one by one , haish . )':
Do I deserve this ? The answer is for sure NO !
Lyfe , why must you torture me ? Why ohhh why ?!
Okaye . To kaq melda ; Last long with your hun bby .
To YOU whom I truly love but taken ;
We know each other for almost a year .
The moment I know you , I felt that you're the one .
Every tyme I wanted you , you're always taken .
This tyme ; when I really deeply wanted you , you're attached .
I love the sound of your voice , your cute face , but will you by myne in the future ?
I waited for you for almost 6 months . But I tried to be attached with someone else instead of you .
My love for them isn't that strong like how I love you .
Right now , since you have your love one , be with her orite love ?
I will set you free from my heart . For the sake of you , I will erase your name from my heart .
I will for you , anything . (':
Just be happy syg , because once you're smiling I will smile too .
I will keep all the moments we're together OTP and the times when we went thru the disaster that happened at you . The times we cried , laugh , mad , insane . I will treasure it .
I've always wanted to call you ' Bhy ' but it never happened .
It's fated . Last night , will be our last tyme OTP because I don't want to love you anymore .
Live your lyfe with your hun aye ?
I love you , alot . (':
xoxo ,
bayb nana ('';

12:38 PM

I'm in loveeee!
I just wanna say that I'm attached!
At Last..
To Ashley; I love you... seriously i do!
To Joharis; I hate you... seriously i do!
And loves;
Kaq Emma, Deq Nana, Naim...
I still love you all!

4:50 AM

Hello sygs !
See that pictures up there ?
Uh yes , pictures of me and them .
Heheheh . Let me tell you , I love them okaye ?
Hahahah !
Will upload more , klau tarq mls .
See lah , because belambak gmbr !
IDK why . But my lyfe is full of jealousy now .
Haish , mepek kan ? I know . Whatever lah .
Currently talking to kaq melda and kaq emma , join convo .
I just hate this kind of feeling that is coming to me .
Pape lah lyfe .
Hate me , hate me not , I still shine .
So yeah .
Will post more later .
xoxo ,
bayb nana (:

Friday, October 30, 2009
4:40 PM

Gosh , for 2 days I never touch my syg laptop and I really miss it .
Let me tell you what telah happened .
Right now , aqu nyerh laptop aderh 2 internet .
One mozilla firefox and the other is that cinonek peh internet explorer .
Internet explorer , let me tell you something , I FUCKING HATE YOU !
Hahahah .
Thenthen , daddy brought it for repair .
Pfft . Lepas 2 hari , smlm he lecture me because of this .
He say ' Kau download bnyk bende lah kaq , bab tu corrupt . Kau nie eyh . '
Sial peh ayah .
Whatever lah eyh . Not only me kan , abg dan and all pon peh .
I miss kaq emma , kaq melda , kaq fee , kaq lydia , abg apis , abg fadhlur , naim , abg fariz , kaq mary , aqilah bby , besties .
Seriously , and many more for sure .
Right now , aqu mcm feel awkward uh pakai firefox .
Thnks to kaq melda for updating . Imy syg oiie .
Senang ckp , aqu miss smuerh lah .
Not all . I don't fucking miss my TTM sialan .
Manerh kau uh ? Takot pah mau onlyne ?!
L O S E R !
Dasar casanova lah lu mat .
Now is like so early in the morning .
I don't think kaq melda can be awake , xD !
&& Haris I will get your rokok asap ayee .
No worries , before 16 November aqu dptkan .
Cheeyyyy . Bobual mcm paham jek aqu nie .
I think this will be a vehvehvehveh long post .
Heeheh , don't mind kankankan ?
Will be going out with bbyboo & mummy later .
Go Bishan then Toa Payoh , -.- .
Go Bishan to see the Singapore Idol & Toa Payoh for whatsoever reason .
Don't think can watch that movie , so phew .
Save siket duit aqu . Leyh beli rokok (:
Kaq emma , imy so much .
Da lamerh tarq bobual ngn dier .
)': , where are you ?!
& to Muhd Shafiq Isa ; I'm really complicated with you orite .
You said we're still on & all .
I find it weird . I did'nt have this kind of stead before .
Whatever lah .
Malas mau think about love now .
I find it nothing . It just hurts me , not heal my lyfe .
Eyh , aqu jealous siol .
Besties lah . Dorang funfun aqu ?
Whatever . My lyfe right now is like this .
Besties ;
I'm still what I am .
Is just that I'm different okaye ? I change my lyfestyle loves .
I still talk to you guys per normal .
Doesn't mean I smoke and stuff , I fucking totally change babes .
I love you guys deep down my heart .
I really do . You guys really mean a lot to me , still .
Really miss all of you . I know I never go school for like 1 whole week .
But , seriously , what can I do there ?
I promise I will be coming next week ayee baobeis .
I love you , Xinyu , Dorothy , Gracia , Hui Jie . (:
Okaye , hope they read it . xD
Hmmm . Bored .
Mummy & bbyboo going out soon .
Send bbyboo go the CC for rehearsal .
Bluek , whatever her rehearsal is .
Dah blah pon . -.-
Kaq melda , where are yoooooooooooooooooooou ?!
Haish , today Saturday kan ? Heehe , terluperh lah .
Sial peh boy . Lu bobual world ngn aqu beyh mau slhkan aqu ?
Step geyrek jek . Gua suroh lu turon lu ckp conferm , checkcheck , tarq pon !
Bobual besar siol , alehaleh tarq turon .
Mepek uh jack .
Lu ckp tmpat gua sial ? Nabeyh . Tmpt lu TAMPINES dok ~
Taeq peh tmpt . [ No offence to others . ]
Bobual mcm phm jek , so what klau kau ex-convict ?! Aperh gua kesah brother ?
Da lah eyh sial .
Malas uh mau bobual ngn bdk fana mcm lu nie .
Aperh lagi narq bobual eyh ?
I think that's all ?
To Besties , sorry ayee .
Haish , that's all sygs .
Take careeeeee orite bbyloves ?
I love you guys .
xoxo ,
bayb nana (:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
1:56 AM

Kak Sachek sini...
sebenar nyerr...
Kakak ni malass sangatsangatt nak updated...
blog sendiri pon kakak, pakseee updated...
Kakak ni tengah penat sangatsangatt...
semalam kakak nyanyi tak stopstopp....
jamming la semalam...
dari pukul 8malam sampai 2pagy kakak nyanyi...
ader jugak la rest...
mak kakak buat lagu dier sendiri...
jadi kakak lah yang kene nyanyi...
nanti biler skolah tutup minggu depan...
Kakak nak kene nyanyi kat studio...
nak kene buat demo beb...
macam sedap jek suare kakak eh...

nana tak dapat updated...
pasal internet explorer dier dah gyler mampos...
nak kene masok, CMH (computer mental hospital)..
tapi belom apply kott...

dah la..
kakak nak sambung tido...
tadi kaka tidur kul 6 pagy pasal abgabgg sume balek lambat...
nanti malam kakak kene nyanyi lagy...
k la..
byby everybody...
kalau kakak tak malas kakak tulis lagy eh...
bye sume..
sayang korang..

Kakak Sachek:)

Saturday, October 24, 2009
6:10 AM

Hahahaha , bayb nana here (:
Tarq leyh eyh ? Fuck yay for me because got fired for the selling cigars .
Happy mampos uh . Okaye , today's story .
Went our from home around 12++ ?
Thenthen took MRT to Harbourfront & met kaq melda .
Once met her , went to eat pat Banquet , she eat , I watch .
HAHAH . Orite , then kaq emma say she lmbt siket .
So waited for her , dier nyerh 2pm cpt siol ~
Wait for her , beyh go teman her mkn .
After that we go check out the movies , N O T H I N G !
Bleh . & fuck uh , Isaac sial .
Whatever ~ We go maen air pat atas there & smoke .
Kaq emma smoke ferst . Then I saw , I pon isap uh .
Smpai 3 batang sial , amcm ?
Camwhore & all beyh go swensen's .
Kaq emma , you eyh , smuerh mat rep you sukerh .
HAHAH . Then ordered this choco foundue .
Pape uh namerh dier & home .
Saw kaq lyna & her guy , pfft , saket ati .
Nvm , only I know .
Was kindaff pissed uh .
Kaq emma make me laugh mcm mau mampos , which I like (:
Hope can go out lagi yerh , & give me one box of cigar !
Heehehe . Klau beli pat keje lepas uh , but now da tarq mcm manerh ?
Tarq lepas nyerh , dok ~
Orite , monday mls mau gy kolah . Mama say can marh .
So aqu goleeeeeeeeeeeeeq uh . ily ma <33 !
Hmm , right now aqu da penat mcm baru lari marathon gitu .
Sarcastic , so ? My problem !
Fuck blogger lah siol ! ~ Buat hal .
Haish . Whatever , OMFG , Aqilah , sorry didn't talk to you .
Hmm , I don't think she care . -.-
Asl bnyk mat rep siol now adays ?
Ah beng become mat rep , my gosh .
Zaman aperh nie ?!
Whatever , dorang nyerh hal , bkn nana , btol tarq ?
Orite uh , post more nanti .
Now malas (:
xoxo ,
bayb nana (:

Friday, October 23, 2009
11:17 AM

bayb nana here , idk why all of a sudden emo mcm mau mampos .
Making me think of my 2 special someone change everything .
I really miss both of them , making me think all of this make me cry only .
Why must my loved ones go ? Why ? This all happened for a reason , that's what they say .
But what's the reason ? Why must all this unfortunate things happen to me ?
All kinds of questions kept playing on my mind which do not have the answer for it .
No one understand how sad , hurt , crushed I am , only my 3 heroes , only them .
I can't stand being in this horror state , everything is just a scary nightmare .
Worst nightmare of my lyfe . I wonder when is this going to stop .
I have this weird mood swing which has been missing for a long time & now back again .
I was pissed with everyone for no reason . Which now I feel darn guilty .
Nana nie sensitive , I know , orite ? But I'm sorry .
Things are all happening in a blink of an eye . Just like that , & there .
Worst , everything turned real bad . Way too much chaos & I can't cope .
Whatever I wanted in this lyfe isn't happening , whatever I don't want is happening .
Is lyfe fair ? To me , obviously no for some parts . Why can't some humans feel me ?
Why can't they try to be in my position , I bet they can feel it .
& I bet , it's insane . It does , worst than you expect .
Right now , my dear readers , imagine you're right here , in my position .
One by one , problems come . Not coming to any other people , but me .
Yes , you heard that . Me , aqu !
Oh God , why must this happen to me ? Why ohh why ?
Is this tests from Him ? Is it ?
Hell yeah , idk . What's on my mind right now , total blank .
I really don't know what should I do , or what's my next step , or what's my future .
I cannot think oreadi , is there still room in my mind to think about love ?
Is there ? Too much for me to cope & now comes love .
Which makes me more confused .
I'm trying my very best not to reveal it , but like some say , it's hard to pretend .
I'm trying my very best to scream my heart out , but no reason for me to scream , yes ?
Who is going to be there for me when I really want to scream ? Gosh , I hate this .
I hate this darn feeling that I'm getting from somewhere .
I'm having all this on my mind , but yet , I still can give you guys that smile .
I am willing to do anything for my people , but do my people will to ?
That , idk , the answer is in your hands .
Right now , idk who & which I should settle with or on .
Is just one whole complicated problem .
Lepas satu , timbol satu .
Am I wasting my lyfe right now ? idk people , I'm ohso confused .
Too complicated for me to solve .
Now , sweetheart , do you feel me ? Do you feel how I feel after I blog this out ?
This is not the fully one , is half my heart story .
If you can feel me , bby , you understand me , which is good .
If you don't , bby , try harder to feel me . Not getting it ?
It's fyne . You might go thru it one fyne day .
I will end every single thing here .
xoxo ,
bayb nana .

1:17 AM

Haish , bayb nana here - AGAIN .
Heheh . Sorry uh , aqu mendaq pat umah , so I blog lorh .
Now , Kaq melda is not online , gosh . Maner kakaq aqu nie ?
Kaq emma ader , dier plak tarq de . -.- , cekik drh btol .
Fir , I'm sorry okaye ? The more we talk the more I cry , so what's the use , right ?
Hmm . It's fated , we cannot be together .
Bpk aqu blom balek ! ~ Petang , I guess .
Alah , aper aqu kesah . Dier mau balek ker tarq , tu dier nyerh pasal .
Right now , dier buat umah nie mcm hotel 81 , siol peh ~
I really miss abg dan [ my real blood brother ] .
Like DUH , sisters day . (: Heheh .
Nah , sentosa cancelled I guess . Because naeq boring uh kat sanerh .
No matter how hard they upgrade , is still boring .
So , maybe we catch a movie , Darah , I know , seram mampos .
Trailer dier da seram mampos .
What more the movie , kankankan ?
Kaq emma , I'm standing 157 tall .
Heheheh . You , ketot ! Or kontot , pape uh .
Kaq emma doing the blog skin while I'm blogging here && listening to Thaqif's songs .
Okaye jgk pah suare dier . Famous2 gitu mau mataer cinerh .
Peh uh mat . Mama da chiow ~ Leaving me alone at home - AGAIN .
Eyheyh , I miss my boxing family . *sobs*
Seriously , da narq masok 2 years siol tarq jumperh .
Cumerh jumperh abg feroz jek , tu pon tarq slalu .
I miss coach & all .
But in my blood , bylerhbylerh KBS [ Kadir Boxing School ] !
Chey wah . Mcm paham jek dekni . (:
Wahsiol , kaq melda really not online .
Grrrh . Mayb network sot ? Mcm dier ! Wahkakaka , siol eyh nana nie .
Joking jek lah oiie , cannot take jokes uh korang nie .
Boredom everywhere . No one is talking to me , mendaq mampos .
LOL , okaye uh .
Mau stop disini jek yerh .
bayb nana syg smuerh !
Takeeee careeee bbyloves ~
xoxo ,
bayb nana (:

Thursday, October 22, 2009
11:20 AM

Hello sygs !
bayb nana here , AGAIN .
Hahah3 . Tarq leyh eyh ? Jyeah , it's part of my blog , so my hal .
Now is like , 2:21AM . Amcm ? Pagi siol & I'm not asleep . (:
Kaq Melda is still online for goodness sake ! Hahah .
Was talking to Naim & Kaq Melda , thenthen , Naim mau sleep .
Kecian . Left Kaq Melda & me , webcaming now .
Pfft , as usual uh ! Hmm .
MSN , 7 people jek online . Boredom strike & I'm dying .
-.- , blogskin plain kan3 ? Freak uh .
I don't know what I grodeh da mcm gini .
Wahkakaka ! Kaq Emma update more can3 ? At this blog .
You update ONCE only .
Grrrr . I can't wait for Saturday ! ~
Going out , want to know ?
Psst , come nearer ; for me to know , for you to find out .
xD ! Hahaha , ye eleh . Tu pon mau hot pah ? Not happy tell me pat tagboard .
Tarq mu kecoh blakang aqu . (:
Okayeokaye , now .
Bpk aqu tarq balek ! Feeeeewiiiiiiiiiiit ~ Happy siol .
He say da terlmbt for keje so he go tros .
Wahsiol , happy uh no need to see his face .
But tmr conferm aqu mati nyerh .
Psht , no need to know uh .
Manerh abg apis ? Tarq online ker ?
Hahah , klau dier bangon pon he will sleep bck , I say so .
: D
Mukerh aqu rabaq sial mlmmlm .
Pfft , da mlm , mau buat aper lah kan ?
Tarq lamerh lagi mater aqu tutop siol . Tarq leyh tahan .
Shawt post eyh , malas uh narq update , lagi2 da ngantok mcm gini .
Mater berat sial ~
Nvm , temankan kaq melda aqu nie jap .
Baru aqu gy lepak .
Lepak conferm tarq leyh bangon nyerh . HAHA !
I will uh , but around 12++ .
Maybe I will chat with abg apis tomorrow .
Hopefully kaq emma online too as well as kaq melda .
Slalu aqu jek yg online dulu . =.=
*YAWN* , non-stop siol aqu .
Materh da mau tutop sial .
Phew , penat .
Ngantok ! Hahaha , wonder how's my bby tu .
Pft , I mish him . <33
I really do , I mish kaq emma too , abg apis & many more .
Kaq melda ?! Aqu tngh webcaming ngn dier lah oiie !
Bleh , bored . Kaq melda tngh shuang bobual ngn nie Mat manerh ntah .
Kaq melda say mukerh pat DP mcm Mat CD [ civil defence ] .
Aqu ader belambak Mat CD , fuyoh , countless .
Chey3 , step sial ~
&& wah3 , Naim da aderh blog lah sey .
Heheh , tu pon kaq melda tlg ! Mangkok uh Naim nie .
Currently listening to songs , webcaming , half awake half asleep and chatting .
Tngh debating dgn some ' OT ' asses . HAHAH !
Lame asses , malas mau layan .
-.- , regretted .
Okaye uh loves , mau jln now .
bayb nana syg smuerh !
xoxo ,
bayb nana (:

9:19 AM

To Fir Bby ;
Is not that I don't want to accpet you Bhy .
I mau but tarq leyh lah .
You deserve better girls ayee syg ?
I will still love you no matter what , remember ?
Bhy tarq mu buat silly stuff uh . Nanti I nangis .
You have to sleep bbylove . You can't say you cannot sleep because of me .
It is not acceptable . I shayang you no matter what , just that I'm not for you .
Haish , you got the looks , got the character got the heart , but you're not for me .
You bukan untk I bby . Know that ily no matter what & I will always be by your side .
Okaye , syg ? (:
Cheerio Bhy !
Imy bby , I really do . Mayb now you're the one in my heart ?
Hell yeah , IDK uh .
Just hope you're doing good & will not buat keje bodow .
I didn't tell you how deep my love for you is , but sorry syg .
Like I say , I tarq leyh amek you as a stead .
But in my heart I shayang my one & only bbyspade nie !
Bhy , maner tau ader pompuan laen stop over your heart & you love her .
You won't love me anymore , btol tarq ?
But I will . (';
Take care tau Bhy . Keje rajin2 , I love you , bby .
xoxo ,
bayb nana (:
bayb nana love Spade 373 ! <3

4:48 AM

To Kaq Emma ;
KAKAQ ! I'm sorry once again .
Adeq tarq tau asal adeq slalu buat perangai .
But , this is me . I'm sorry for hurting you , pissing you off and all .
I don't why nana mcm gini . When I flashback , I hate myself .
I'm saying all this not for the sake of fun .
Haish , Kaq Emma , sorry yerh ! ~
I really am . Adeq nie perangai mmg mcm gini , sial or whatever uh .
Likewise , I love you and I'm sorry , love .
I don't care if you're thinking that this is for fun uh , but nana really am sorry .
Didn't meant to make you feel in a way like I'm not happy with you .
End here ayee , ilyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvm ! (':
xoxo ,
adeq bayb nana .

12:19 AM

Amciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam world ?
Hehehe , bayb nana here !
First & foremost , I would like to say I mish Kaq Emma .
Second , thnks to Kaq Melda for updating this blog , lerr , kan kiterh peh blog .
Btol tarq ? Secondly , for Kaq Nani , chill orite , every guy is the same .
Well , not all uh . To saperh2 yg ckp aqu nie mynah kental , lu diam sua eyh .
Minah kpala otak lu , bodow ! -.-
Low standard motherfucker , mau ckp aqu konon , PUI uh .
Pfft . Tired of this oreadi .
Now , yesterday story , naseb baek aqu update blog nie cpt siol .
Because a few minutes later , bpk aqu came knocking on the door .
Aqu da mcm lipas kodong sial . Lari sanerh sini , naseb baek aqu pandai bohong .
HAHAH . (:
Aqu bohong for good reason uh , peh jek dekni .
Lepas tuu , aqu blom standby siol , laptop aqu , aqu hentam jek off .
Thenthen aqu step ckp baru kluar dari toilet uh . HAHAHAH .
Padehal aqu maen laptop . Liar peh .
Then , mlm bpk aqu shift mlm , so dier pegi keje .
PHEW . Then online , webcam with Fir , chat and all .
Slept at 3am . I slept later than that before . So don't say gylerh .
Today , bangon at 12++ mandi & all , on laptop , THERE ! Chatting .
After that , as usual , web ngn Kaq Melda , I wish I can web with Kaq Emma too .
Tapi ntah apeh hal , cannot .
Psht . Orite , now , tngh mendaq .
Ader mama kat umah ker tarqde , samerh jek .
Wahwahwah , mama da tau about Abg Apis .
She say ' Kakaq , saperh nie ? Handsome smcm sey . '
My jaw dropped . HAHAHAHAH , lepas tu , I was roflol .
Then came my another abg angkat , saw Kaq Emma & Kaq Melda picture .
He say , ' Adeq , dorang da taken peh ? ' I didn't answer .
Want to know why ? For goodness sake , he is attached .
He mau time uh tu .
Kaq Emma tagged pat our tagboard , but she wasn't even online yesterday !
-.- , weird .
Now Kaq Melda , tibe2 pissed .
Maybe because of her siblings kot .
Webcaming with Fir right now , chatting with Aqilah .
Fir , you stay near my house siol .
Your whoever cousin , stay more nearer dok ! ~
I 231 , she 238 , you 256 .
Bdk serangoon uh you nie , I didn't know .
HAHAHA . I hope ayah work at night again .
Malas mua tngk mukerh dier .
Mcm narq tumbok jekkkkkk .
Whatever uh , malas narq bobual pasal dier .
Bylerh abg aqu ader , dier mau bobual wooooooorld tarq abes abes sial .
Peh uh , da 47 dok ~ Mau wooorld nie smuerh pagi dh !
Okaye uh bbyloves .
bayb nana mau stop blogging till here ayee .
Syg smuerh ! <3
bayb nana (:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
11:06 PM

I really can't wait for saturdayyyy!
We're gonna have soo much funn!
Know what, even at my age now...
I seldom go out with my friends....
Don't need to know whyy...
Wanna know ask me personally(:
Its gonna be a girls day outtt!
I'm not sure if there is boys!?
Is there gonna be boys, Deq?
I don't know what's more to blog about...
I better get goingg...

♥Deq Nana,
♥Kaq Emma,

8:19 AM

Pfft , me again . Aqu tarq leyh tahan idop mcm gini lagi .

Without Muhd Danial , I cannot live .

Nobody sees how much I miss him , no one .

But they can , yesh , my super heroes up there .

Starting to love Abg Apis , mcm aqu nyerh abg sendiri yerh .

Kaq Emma and Kaq Melda too , glad got another angel came to my lyfe .

(: , Abg Apis ! Pfft , thnks yerh for the encouraging words .

Okaye right now , abg ku Danial aka MaMat .

I miss you fucking much . Sososososososososo much .

Abg Dan , kau tarq payah risau pasal ayah okaye ?

I'm here . I know what to do , ily brother .

I miss him , I really do , nvmnvm .

Remember nana ! Kaq Emma , Kaq Melda & Abg Apis ader , tarq mu sad .

HAHAH , yaw , I won't . Okaye uh peeps , smpai sini jek yerh .
Later post lagi .
bayb nana

1:50 AM

Woit , aqu lagi ?
Hahah !
Mmg uh aqu , abeh ader org lagi namer bayb nana ker ?
Geee . (:
Whatever , now story .
Baru balek dari umah nenek kush .
Pegi saner dpt bash ker ?
No uh , dorang baek uh bby .
HAHAH , kene bby siol .
Cair tarq korang ? TEEHEE !
Okaye .
So went there , webcam with Kaq Melda .
Abg Kairu kacau in the middle of our web cam session .
Beyh , tibe2 entah dari maner aqu dpt flower .
Peh siol ? HAHAH . Kekek ^^
Thenthen , nenek talked to me and stuff .
Beyh she gave me 10$ for my birthday , well da bagos tuu .
Daripader aqu cuci pinggan . (:
Continued to webcam , skali perot lapar mcm mau letop .
Cepat off laptop and all , clear my stuff , salamsalam and off to kedai mamak .
Aqu ordered roti prata , don't need to know klau plain or whatever .
Mama ordered masal thosai . Pfft , tarq abesabes .
Then walked to bus stop , waited and waited at last smpai bus 315 .
Next , HOME !
Hahah . Unpacked my stuff and there , laptop on my lap right now .
Kat umah nenek I updated Kaq Melda nyerh blog , psht , mau tau aperh aqu update , gy tngk uh !
Hahaha . Korang ajar kan aqu nie ? Tarq de org ajar aqu , aqu ajar aqu .
Baek kan3 ? HAHAH . Sarcastic siol , whatever .
Now , bbyboo aqu da balek , she ignore me .
Thnks boo , hahah , tngh mkn ice-pop peh .
Tarq mu kacau , nnt kasot rayer dier yg tumit tinggi terbang di mukerh ku .
Mampos tuu . Danger .
Aqu ingt online mau web ngn Kaq Melda , but not online .
Pffttt , MIA slalu .
Well , not always , slalu aqu .
-.- !
Naim not online too .
Ish , slalu dier yg online petang2 mcm gini .
)': ! NAIM !
Maner lu dok ?~
Okaye . Aqu da so called settle samerh si Steven siol tu .
Penakot peh . Suroh letak tmpat tarq mau .
Nie lagi satu pengecot . =.=
Apeh hal ngn jantan zaman krg nie ?
Jgn terasa yerh dude(s) yg sedang membace aqu nyerh blog .
Amirah Zulkifli ;
Kawan kau yg mau kasi aqu hot pah .
Kau yg hot asl siol ? Aqu blom start fight , kau da bunyik .
Gylerh ker pah , pompuan ?!
Malas mau layan bdk2 mcm gini .
Don't have the same thinking as me .
ZzZzZzZ , pape uh . Suit yourself ayee .
Nanti aqu naeq angin da satu hal , btol tarq ?
Saketkan ati aqu jek . Kaq Melda , where are you ?!
MIA always , pfft .
She online either petang or malam .
Her PM say so .
To Kaq Emma & Kaq Melda ;
Right now , I love you guys like my very own .
Never thot of hurting you guys [ but i did once or twice ] since that very day .
We've so called been thru thick & thin .
Let them try to break us apart , nah , I don't think they will success .
We are stronger day by day & I love you guys more than I love myself .
I really thank God for sending me this two special angels to me .
You guys are special in every way in my very eyes .
I never thot of leaving you guys because I believe you can save my lyfe .
You guys have completed the other half of me , half really completed the whole Nana .
You have made my day , you have made me smile .
You were there when I cried , you were there to help me .
Oh God , how would I ever thank you . They are just so lovely in my eyes .
What I see before my very eyes is two angelic angels , so pretty , wonderful , fanatic , cheerio , fierce , kind & etc .
Too many for me to say it out for the world to hear .
But God , only you knows how important they are to me .
I will end this with love .
I love you kakaqs . <3
Okaye , till now , bo sign of Kaq Melda & Kaq Emma !
Purt . Talking to Fir , man , I love you uh dok ~
Luqman talking to me right now , about my birthday .
Dok , maner present ?! Tarq tau malu peh pompuan !
Mepek peh Nana nie , pfft , I am always .
Mama is hanging on the phone , whurt the ?
Klau aqu OTP bunyik dier klh motor siol .
Nie dier OTP aqu tarq bunyik pon .
Kekek peh mama . Ish , mcm maner anak tarq jadi mcm gini .
Tiga2 degil mcm setan !
Teehee , kau , kan da kene setan .
^^ .
Luqman , mau kenal Kaq Emma pah ?!
HAHAH . Pehgi uh boy , she's taken yaw ~
Leceyh uh Mat nie . Org mau send kat dier narq letak kat DP plak !
Siol ker peh . Panjang eyh aqu nyerh post nie ?
Nvmnvm , aqu respect kau yerh .
Mentang2 18 larh kan . At least I know how to respect yaw !~
Bukan mcm ader sesetengah org tu , mau respect pon susah .
I will post as long as I can .
Aqu mendaq jack/joy ! New word uh , amcm ?
Thnks to Kaq Emma uh . She so called ajar me the word .
Mama & bbyboo going out , mua gy ngaji .
Pfft ! Whatever .
Aqu ? Malas , aqu lah yg wanted .
Slalu tarq datang . Notty or whut ? xDDD
Siol uh , post aqu bo end peh .
Mama & bbyboo da chiow . Leaving me alone at home .
-.- .
Eyh , you know I will be goofy when he is around siol .
Whatever . No need to know who he is ayee .
Okaye uh sygs .
Mau go now .
bayb nana syg smuerh !
bayb nana (:

12:16 AM

baby nana di sini !
Currently at umah nenek .
Talking to like 3 person .
Kaq Melda , Fir aka Spade , Hui Jie .
Well , aqu tngh webcam ngn Kaq Melda .
Then laen tngh bobual .
Fir oh Fir , you mau jatoh cinter ngn pompuan mcm I peh ?
You buterh peh love ?
Tarq perh uh yerh .
You syg I kan3 ? I syg you too !
Like I say , love me I will love you back .
I narq APIS !
LOL , Kaq Melda can talk to Apis siol .
Then me ?!
Yerh larh , mentang2 aqu nie 13 , korang bo blang .
Jealous peh Nana ?
No uh , tarq de .
I majok pon dpt apeh siol ? ~
Btol tarq ? Hehehe3 .
Okaye uh .
Mau off , perot aqu da lapar semacam dok ~
Or maybe a little more of story ayee ?
Orite people , now aqu ngn Valerie da geyrek .
Friends back now .
Like in the past .
Will treasure all my freinds ayyeeeee .
Mau jln now !
bayb nana syg smuerh !
bayb nana (:

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
7:00 PM

bayb nana here ;
Okaye , now .
Tadi tu aqu yg blog yerh !
Hahah , about LSF .
Ader bdk dier tu kat blog da remove tagboard .
Kecot peh APLLE SIOW ?!
Tarq tau narq reply aperh bobual jek ayee .
From now on , blog kesayangan aqu nie di share oleh two beloveds kakaqs of myne .
Mau dorang peh jantan ? Tarq leyh ! Bluek . ;p
Satu da ader boyfie , yg lagi satu blom ader lagi .
Lu narq tanyerh gua kat tagboard tu orite ?
Ahahaha , okaye now this is for my Pang Zi , her request to blog about this guy naming STEVEN LEE RONG DE .
Eyh boy , you flirt with my friends then you go uh ?
Boyboy , don't be like this .
Before I send people come down find you , you better back out from my friends lyfe okaye ?
You bad I wild .
You stubborn I kill , fair ?
You finish breaking my girls heart one by one you go .
Chybai uh . You parents got teach you like that uh ?
Don't be like this uh man .
You mess with them , I kill you .
I make sure . If I hear again this story repeats , you take care uh boy !
You want to be wanted right3 ?
I make you wanted okaye !
STEVEN LEE RONG DE ; Take care uh man .
Buay tahan siol .
Orite , Kaq Melda and Kaq Emma !
Maner korang ? Slalu aqu jek yg online dulu .
Naim plak maner dok ? ~
Pfft , later going Nenek's house .
Miss her ?
Hahah , later over there aqu online for sure .
Kaq Melda , I want to know you're mummy nyerh answer .
Woit , people not answer tuu , nie answer nie .
Mau kluar on Saturday larh .
Nie Steven tarq online pon .
Penakot karh katerkan .
Okaye uh , mau go dulu .
Nanti aqu blog lagi , tarq mu worry !
Nana syg smuerh (:
bayb nana (:

6:26 PM

Geraldine ; Bby Monstar ; Wynnie not involve .
Weyh SIAL(S) ! Amcm ? Sukerh attention kan3 ?
Amek lu ! Aqu biken lu popular pah ? Panas peh badan lu skrg ?
Chybai(s) , korang dngr eyh , seblom mukerh korang pecah , lebeh baek back off uh .
Mau step MYNAHREPS gy jln uh weyh .
Brani start brani end uh pompuan .
Suro lu smuerh turon settle tarq mau , satu jek turon .
Peh nie ! Penakot ker pah sundal ?
Aqu da start maky nie , lu jage2 uh eyh LSF !
Lu kacau member gua uh sister , tarq de keje laen pah ?
LSF kpala butoh lu chybai .
Mukerh satu satu pecah uh babe . Aqu tngk buay tahan siol ~
Jgn gylerh sundal aqu naek , korang take care uh kat luar .
Bobual WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD korang non-stop sial .
Peh nie ? Lu mau gadoh kan ? Okaye uh set .
Anytime kiter nmpk saper saper nyerh bdk LSF kat luar , we give bo chance eyh , mati nyerh uh !
Brani langgar member gua pah ? Kiterh bkn adeq adeq kentalans mcm korang uh .
Ting boh tak uhh . Part member aqu jln sorang korang stare tarq leyh lepas siol ~
Part laky dier ader lu smuerh senyom .
Apeh ke hal lu , takot ckp jek uh !
Mau kecoh blakang tapi mulot diam depan . Puki kecot pah ?
Mau maen langgarlanggar konon , pui uh !
Mau maen tapi tarq abes game pon .
Korang tarq de balak peh mau tlg ?
On the behalf uh , balak lu turon , we one on one ngn dorang .
Klau tarq de , mmg padan uh tuu .
Klau ader , meh uh !
Takot peh balak korang ?! Jantan lu samerh jek uh mcm korang .
Gasak uh ! Malas uh mau type panjang lebar .
Depan mukerh baru kiterh sound orite losers ?
__ LSF ! (:
HAHAH , perangai korang eyh , SASUAAAAAAY abes uh chybai .
Aqu cam mukerh lu , lu take care uh kat luar tuu .

8:13 AM

Weehooo Peepss!
EmeldaSachek hereee!
Happy Birthday Too Adeq Nana!
Loves you sooo much deqq....
May all your wishes come truee!
Your the best ever adeq I ever gett!
garang plak tuuu....
bytheway kan deq,
He ask me help himmm....
He say:
Happy birthday:)
&& sorry coz takder present...
I say Happy birthday dulu then he say he wanna be first!

okay, gotta get goingg!
Your kaq Emma nak blogg!

♥ emelda sachek sygggg bayb nana!

4:53 AM

Emma Valentina here :D

Eh, know what?
I don't know what to blog.
Chibai seh, I might be expelled from school.
Know what? -- Pills understand me the best.
I love flying high so I can forget all those fucking bad shit.
Adek, cepat ah grow older then we can go club together!
What to blog eh ..
Okay wait, I think I know what to blog.

To someone who tagged on adk nana's tagboard just now, this is specially for you.


Emma Valentina
Kakak Emma Loves Adek Nana, so very the much.

Hidup mesti mao relek, Mat.

Monday, October 19, 2009
10:30 PM

Isaac ohh Isaac .
Lu mau kasi gua marah peh ?
Lu da gatal ngn kakaq aqu lu perangai skrg mcm sial .
Lu apeh hal boy ?
Ishk , malas sial mau layan taeq mcm lu .
Lu takot bobual ngn aqu jek uh .
Tarq mu kecoh ngn kakaq aqu nyerh laky .
Gua da mrh lu menyesal bro .
Lu kasi gau chance ker gua dok ? ~
Bobual tngk tmpat uh .
Mau gadoh pat MSN peh ? 2009 yaw !
Lu ader tarq calender ? Gua boleyh belikan daripader pecahkan muker lu .
Gua kasi lu warning lu tarq mau amek kesah kan3 ?
Lu jage jek uh eyh pompuan lu tu . Tarq lamer lagi lu pegi melawat dier .
Nani lu jgn kacau , Danni lu jgn rembat .
Lu rembat gua turon , set ?
Boy , lu maseh mentah uh .
Tarq mu act da masak abes orite ?
Chybai nyerh jantan .
Lu da ader Lyna da uh , mau aper lagi ngn Nani or Danni .
Siol uh lu boy .
Buat gua panas jek for fucking no reason .
Fyne uh Isaac . Aqu malas mau layan bastard mcm lu .
Okaye , was webcaming with Kaq Melda but she chiow .
Uncle dier mau pkai .
ZzZzzz , lamerh siol .
Pkai ker buat dok ? ~
Orite , talking to Naim right now !
Hahah !
Kecoh or whut ? xD
He waited for me yesterday sial .
Blame it on my daddy ayee dude ?
Aww , sweet kan3 ? I know I am .
Hahah3 .
No uh , Naim sweet .
-.- .
Aqu narq amek gambar Kaq Melda when she was webby-ing with me but tarq narq .
Peh dah !
What I know , he's an ITE student .
IDK he's age .
Baek ker pah ?
Later going to my Bbyboo nyer kolah .
Going to bring my camera !
I will okaye , will snap her pictures manymany .
Klau larh aqu nyerh batt tarq buat hal .
Tarq uat hal , aqu happy !
xD .
Gah , Naim dpt tau aqu nyerh age .
-.- .
Dier nyerh age 17 .
LOL , I don't really have much friends age 17 .
18 bnyk uh .
LOLOLOL , not so .
Maybe 15-18 .
Wait , aper aqu mepek nie ?
Psht .
My BIRTHDAY people .
21 October bayb .
Tarq kan luperh kot ?
Peh uh korang nie .
Ishkishkishk , nvmnvm .
Korang wish me HAPPY BIRTHDAY pat aqu tagboard sua ~
Set ?
Uhh-hmm .
Maner Kaq Melda ?!
Naim da online peh , dier tarq de .
Bo fun uh .
Hahah3 , mau pecahkan your perot Kaq oiie !
Buat hal uh Facebook nie .
Facebook ngn Blogger samerh uh !
To Blogger and Facebook ;
Part aqu narq korang , lu buat hal plak .
Klau aqu pecahkan laptop aqu nie , aqu yg rugi kan3 ?
Tarq perh . Aqu kasi korang chance orite ?
Orite .
Da gylerh peh Nana ?
Bobual ngn stoopid Blogger ngn cinonek nyehr Facebook .
Gy maty uh korang .
Later aqu tarq leyh bobual ngn kawan aqu and blog .
Nvmnvm , ader MSN right3 ?
MSN lagi geyrek uh .
Thumbs up for MSN !
ZzZzz , da start gylerh aqu nie .
Eyh siol uh .
Don't tell me my own cousin don't know my birthday siol ?
Whurt the crap .
If no bash up tomorrow from family members , geyrek uh !
Klau ader , ishk , nothing I can say .
To friends ;
Don't give me bash up on Monday yerh .
Plish uh , pity this cutie here .
Step cutie pah ?
Muhd Shafiq , go live your own lyfe orite ?
Tarq mu ngn Nana nie .
I'm nothing to you uh B .
Naim mau chocolate eyh ?
Okaye I will give .
Biler aqu jumper kau in heaven or hell yerh .
Psht .
Naim da offline .
He say this ;
Naim : Baru jek nk hilangkan rindu kat you .
Me : Buat klakar peh boy ?
Naim : Bukan boy buat klakar , girl yg uat .
Me : Whatever uh . Da jln !
Naim : Rindu pon mrh perh ? No la , I rindu gadoh ngn you .
Me : Yeah , I know .
Naim : Melly ! Argh ! Haha .
Me : I bawak gang okaye ?
Naim : Ok , tmpat dier kat jamban !
Me : Siol . Geylang amcm ?
Naim : Nk bwk satu serangoon pon bwk uh !
Me : Okaye uh set .
Naim : Geylang tk nk .
Me : Tmr night ! Geylang lor 16 .
Naim : Geylang gi lorong . Hehe .
That's it .
Malas mau type .
Bye sygs !
` Nana Valentine .

Sunday, October 18, 2009
8:28 AM

Damn Blogger uh !
Kasi gua hal .
Nabeyhlan .
Want to upload mama picture , but cannot .
Eyh , I pity mama siol .
She today sleep damn early .
Aqu takot !
Wargh , mama , you okaye tarq ?
To mama ;
Altho ayah is doing all this to you , I'm here .
We're here , no matter what .
Going thru this war together orite mama ?
ily <3
Drop the topic .
Okaye now , Nani is my kakaq angkat !
Fuyooo , braper bnyk kakaq angkat nie ?!
LOLOL . Aqu yg narq sngt peh !
Orites , Kaq Nani nyerh Bhy is still online yaw ~
Wah dok , you sleep dpn laptop uh ?
Cool or whut xD .
He high fever beyh still online , kan skrg da tdo dpn laptop .
Tarq payah checkcheck .
Da sah , mmg dier tdo dpn laptop .
-.- , lame .
Boy , WAKE UP !
I think he can't .
Orang demam maner leyh bangon just like that kan3 ?
Hmm , smuer da tdo .
Only me .
Besok conferm aqu bangon lmbt , like 12+ ?
I want to upload pictures of my Bbyboo in FB but saner pon buat hal siol !
**KNNBCB !**
I'm currently talking to Kaq Melda , Steven and Dany .
Ugh , Dany .
Made me think about the past .
Whatever , forgive and forget !
Tarq mu think about the past .
Ish , idiot .
Playing game with Kaq Melda now !
Ader jantan kacau dier uh .
Sial ker peh sundal .
Kau , da maky da .
Org suroh letak tempat smuer tarq mu .
Penakot peh dude ?
Talking to some stranger and Kaq Melda .
Gosh , she's not asleep .
Are you always like this ?
Hahaha .
Orite , saw Ayiz Tagged profile .
Oh btw to all , I use Kaq Melda's acc orite !
Kaq , we really got nothing to do .
We're like talking to the same guy but different window .
Kiter mcm investigate him uh .
I asked ; How old are you eyh ?
He answered ; 18 .
Then Kakaq go ask him to see if he's faking or not .
Siol kan kiter ?
Mau kenekan dier uh .
I asked ; Got any other people you're chatting with other than me ?
He answered ; Yar . Have , why ?
OMFG , so truthful sey .
Gosh .
Hard to find guys like this yaw ~
And glad he's still schooling .
Kat ITE Simei .
Gah , he don't look like the one in Tagged .
Look kindaff different .
I'm not even tired . But my back is aching .
Okaye , it seems like Kaq Melda and me are not stopping talking to this Mat Baek .
Hahah3 .
He is like one .
Hair tarq dye pon , mcm baek jek .
Okaye , go ~
He da offline .
He gave Kaq Melda his number , geyrek peh bro !
Beyh aqu nie ? Siol nyerh Mat Step Baek .
Orite , Luqman Hakim talked to me !
Wargh ! Hahah3 , da sot siol .
Whatever . Now talking in a convo with Kaq Melda with Naim Kehsiow .
Okaye now we're like talking crap .
Kaq Melda nyerh perot mau pecah because of Naim and me !
I'm laughing like an ass here too .
Teehee !
Tarq leyh tahan jgk siol ~
If Kaq Emma ader lagi best .
Ayeeayee .
Narq stop sini , klau tarq no end bayb !
My burfday presents people , maner ?
Hahah3 , syg smuer !
` Nana Valentine (:

4:39 AM

Hello World !
Back home , went to visit atok at SGH .
Felt like crying seeing his condition .
But hopefully Allah bless him with great health yeah ?
Atok , altho Ayah attitude is like this now , always know that kiter smuer still care and love you .
Aqu nmpk mcm maner sial bapak aqu nyerh attitude when he is with my atok .
Atok vomitted in the hospital for goodness sake , and ayah , you sat there not helping ?!
Instead , mama , nenek and me helped .
What's the fucking wrong with you ?
Ayah , do you know that when you do this fucking thing to mama , every male in the family terasa ?
Damn you uh .
Go and change your attitude can3 .
I buay tahan ngn ayah nyerh attitude mcm gini .
I can't stand seeing mama crying day and night because of you .
Ayah , Nana maseh bdk2 tau , klau tarq da lamer kene maky .
You make mama like this and go off ?
Peh nie ? You don't know how she feel right inside .
It totally hurts .
I'm total ashamed having a father like this .
Whatever orite ?
Your lyfe uh ayah .
Tarq mu interfere .
But no matter what , I'm still your child .
I got the right to know ayah .
Change and be back the father whom I really love .
Mama needs her husband back , and we , children want their father back .
I mish the old you .
Fyne , topic drop !
Maner Kaq Melda ?
Kaq Emma ader , Kaq Melda bo have .
Mama OTP .
As usual ?
ZzZzzzZzz , maner TTM aqu nie ?
B oh B , maner you ?
Slalu MIA nyerh .
Smalam ader , nari hilang .
Mynah maner kidnap you ?
Hahah3 , will upload my mama picture , klau boleyh uh .
Hopefully Blogger kehsiow nie tarq give me hal .
Teehee , haish .
Pang Zi , where are you ?
I want to talk to you about what happened but you never online sey .
Sorry uh .
Plish , I want us to be like normal besties like the past .
Hmm .
ZzzZzzz , people !
I'm addicted to this guy nyerh smile and hair .
Hahah3 , Kaq Emma nyerh bestie . (:
Apis is what they call him .
I keep going to his blog just to see his smile and hair .
Gylerh siol ~
I know , mmg aqu gylerh .
ZzzZzZzzzzzz , his taken btw .
So whatever .
Not that aqu narq dier uh , just that got addicted to his smile and hair jekkk .
Baru tadi narq bobual ngn Kaq Emma , dier offline .
Where are you guys ?!
Goshh , mish you like bloody hell siol .
Eyh , why I always online pat my TTM nyerh MSN , slalu ader gadoh uh ?
Muker aqu nie muker gadoh peh ?
Whatever losers .
Orite , wanna do Shahirah nyerh blog .
Bye sygs .
` Nana Valentine (:

Saturday, October 17, 2009
10:00 AM

Hello sygs !
Blogger maseh buat hal eyh .
Ishk Blogger , I fucking hate you uh .
I lost to many people and for shure I don't want to lose my Besties .
And all the ones that I love deep down my heart .
Pang Zi , dui bu qi lehhh .
Now is like 108 in the morning bayb .
Chatting with Kaq Melda .
She's bored and waiting for her abg angkat .
Her medicine .
Hahah3 , no need to know what kind of medicine orite ?
Kakaq gy beli air .
She's at the shop house kat Arab Street I guess ?
Haish , -.- .
I got nose block .
Eyerh , hate it .
Kaq Emma !
Where are you ?
You are always MIA-ing after offlined .
Ishk , peh uh .
I'm currently listening to songs and blogging over here .
Haish , stupid uh this Blogger .
Part mcm gini narq buat hal .
Buay tahan uh sial .
And to JOHARIS ;
Fuck off my sister lyfe okaye ?
Get a lyfe you fucker .
Aqu da korang ajar nie .
Lu jgn narq kacau dier lagi eyh , klau tarq tau uh kau .
{ Subject Changed }
Chybai nyerh laki .
Narq korang ajar ngn kakaq aqu peh ?
Boleyh blah sua ~
No standard asshole .
To my Pang Zi ;
Dorothy , sorry .
I raised my voice at you .
I know this is rude and I'm being sensitive always .
But this is me babe .
Sorry uh , I want my Pang Zi back !
ily <3
{ Changed . }
Kaq Melda is back .
Hmm , my burfday .
Mau aper eyh ?
What I want most is PEACE , LOVE , MY BROTHER , MY BESTIES , MY LYFE .
That's all .
No special presents yaw ~
I don't need it , seriously .
No lies ayee .
I don't lie , only necessary .
Not then sorry uh , I have too .
Hahahah3 !
I want my brother back .
I mish him totally .
Mish seeing him lying on his bed .
Mish listening to his tarzan voice that always wake me up .
Haish , bro , come home fast okaye ?
And Afeeq too .
Biler mau kluar bro ?
imy Afeeq bhy !
Hahah3 , ain't my boy , but my socalled close boy bestie .
I want Afeeq to sing to me over the phone .
He nyanyi cute okaye ?
Teehee . (:
Shawt post jerh larh yerh .
Mau tdo uh .
Ngantok mcm babi siol .
Chiow .
` Nana Valentine (:

8:18 AM

Orite peoples .
Blogger give me hal .
I hate you Blogger !
Ishk , okaye .
Burfday next week bayb ~
Burfday presents gua maner deyh ?
Teehee .
Will be going out with Kaq Melda & Kaq Emma .
Kaq Emma set jek , but not Kaq Melda .
Haiyu , her mother leceyh uh .
She's like for goodness sake 15 years old !
Why still control her aunty ?
Hahha3 .
Twin da okaye .
Thnks to Kaq Melda being there for me when I cry .
Kaq Emma chiow maner ntah , Kaq Melda away to some where .
Going to Sentosa & Vivo .
Well , funfun eyh .
Plish , no bash uh yerh .
I hate it .
Better bring extra everything .
Hahah .
To my TTM ;
B , I shayang you sorank jek uh .
No worries eyh !
I won't run away nyerh .
Tarq mu takot , & I will always remember you will be there for me loving me .
But we stay as TTM jek orite ?
Shorieeee , no matter what you're my one & only TTM .
No one else .
B , I love you <33 .
{ Subject Changed }
Hush hush , got to go uh .
Mau tdo deyh .
See uh , if I can post more than I post okaye ?
Till here ;
` Nana Valentine (:

Friday, October 16, 2009
9:53 PM

` Nana Valentine is what I'm know now okaye ?
Gosh , Blogger buat hal !
Hahah look at this ;
Emma Valentina ,
Melly Valentino ,
Nana Valentine .
Amcm ?
Geyrek tarq ?
Btw , kaq Emma , get well soon okaye .
Tarq mu go anywhere .
Stay at home orite .
Kaq Emma online , Kaq Melly jalan .
Peh nie ?
Hahah ~
Just to tell that NO MORE NANA MONSTER !
Nana Valentine here ayee people .
Gtg uh .
And to Blogger ;
` Nana Valentine :))

6:52 PM

Hello people !
You know , altho I'm attached I'm afraid I fall for this guy .
For real .
Tapi dier da ader kekasih laen uh .
Suay .
Haish .
He's currently 18 .
Dier total sweet okaye !
In ITE uh dier .
Narq upload ker tarq ?
Tarq narq uh .
Klau dier nmpk , malu siol .
I mish my twin .
Wonder how she is .
Hahah3 !
I mish Kaq Emma & Kaq Melda too .
Mish loads of people uh .
Orite , uploading rayer 2009 pictures in FB .
Yeahh , no me because I'm currently the photographer .
So yeah , what's thier job ?
Take pictures , no being extra in the photos .
Paiseh uh , most of the pictures side way de .
Hahah , sorrysorry !
Now uploading yesterday's pictures .
Sister and me were bored .
So we took pictures .
Mostly is me uh .
Teehee .
My camera my problem orite ?
I want my guitar asap parents .
You guys promise siol .
But nothing came out .
Peh dah .
OMFG , guys !
I masok my TTM nyerh MSN .
Hahah3 , he didn't really gave me he's password .
He gave me he's Blogger password .
But then , I tried out in MSN uh .
Skali boleyh sial !
Hahha3 , but did nothing bad .
Swear !
LOLOL , Kaq Melda online liao !
Aqilah bhy online too !
So going to talk to them ayee ?
Kaq Emma , online lehhhhh .
Mish her .
ZzzzzzZzz .
Till here korank !
Shayang smuer .
` Nana Monster :)
PS ; Now tags will be replied at the taggy board ayee xD !

7:12 AM

Kaq Emma mau curik my gambar eyh ?

Hah , ni !

Amek kau !

Teehee .

6:43 AM

Hey world !
ZzzZzzz .
Twin !
What happened to you ?
You so quiet de , never talk to me one .
I want my Twinney back .
Haish .
Emma Valentina ;
She's myne people !
My kakaq !
So don't dream of getting her asshole(s) .
She perfect eyh .
Think what ?
She not uh ?
Kiss my ass baby .
Mirror yourself dulu yerh .
Narq dier , langkah mayat aqu uh weyh .
Bytch(s) / Bastard(s) like you don't deserve her .
Dulu , I hate her .
But now , I shayang dier !
Hahah3 .
To my other bby loves and angkat(s) , tarq mu jealous uh !
Teehee .
{ Subject Change }
Orite !
Kaq Emma , Ily bhy !
Hahaha3 .
Oriteorite , boredom strike .
Kaq Emma doing her stuff while I do myne for a while .
She say she blogging about me kan3 ?
I will blog about her too !
Wahkakaka .
Freaking cold .
I'm sick larh oiie .
Muker pale abes .
So , amcm gua nyer lagu2 ?
Geyrek tarq ?
Geyrek ker tarq , susahkan korang ke peh .
No kan3 .
LOL , okaye uh .
Malas mau bobual many2 .
Just that I narq bobual ngn Aqilah bhy jek .
Haah3 , don't know why eyh .
Orite people .
Shayang smuer !
` Nana Monster :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
7:57 PM

B , this is for you .
I shayang you .
Usah lepaskan genggaman tangan mu .
Because I know you're the one who can save my lyfe .
Pudarkah sudah cinta yang ku beri ?
B , hopefully not eyh .
Berwarna-warni segala , when you're there by my side .
People might say that I'm fooling myself .
But no , I'm not .
Day by day , I'm missing you .
I asked myself , ' What am I missing in my heart ? '
The answer is , ' Muhd Shafiq , my love . '
B , I want to be with you selalu .
But it never came true .
Lock my heart with you and never unlocked it .
Semua yang berlalu telah di simpan di hatiku ini .
Ku tak peduli apa sebabnya , aku dan kamu harus bersatu .
If I fall , will you be there for me ?
I shayang you , I really do B .
Think I'm faking ?
Cut me into half and you can see my heart .
It shows everything .
My love , my story .
Tak usah biar ku sendirian di sini .
I nak you be with me by my side .
Medungnya langit pabila ku berkata engkau dan aku tak patot bersama .
Never will I say that again .
Muhd Shafiq , my love .

6:24 PM

Orite .
Tired so not going to school .
Can upload one picture only because it's like so many .
&& sorry Besties , for not uploading you guys .
Erhm , if got tyme I upload ayee ?
So yeah .
Fun yesterday .
Tio soar throat today .
Right , so nothing much .
Long time bo blog my tagboard da kecoh .
Hahaha3 !
Going to reply it now !
Tags !
` Nana Monster ; Shawty Hawty ! :))
*melly* : Deq!! Hahaha..relink me!
` Nana : Kakaq ! Hahah3 , will relink you asap ~
Aqilah : ohh msn ? ye eleh. haha , mmg revenge pon kk,ily lah yehr .
` Nana : Yea , msn . Hahah3 , notty siol ! Ily thoo uh .

♥bayb kiko

13 ; Single ; Smoker ; Student .

Idop mesti mau brani , ati mesti mau degil .
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♥emelda sachek

15 ; Attached ; Degil Girl ; Student .

Ader pegy , ader balek .
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♥emma valentina

15 ; Attached ; Party Girl ; Student .

Hidop mesti mao rilek (: .
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Emma Valentina♥♥♥
Emelda Sachek♥♥♥
Bayb Kiko♥♥♥
Mary AJ♥♥♥
Lydia Izzati♥♥
Hui Jie♥♥
Kaq Nani♥♥
Athirah Siow Ai♥
Valerie Neo♥
Wen Qi♥
Megat Danial♥

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